

The State University of Zanzibar- SUZA

Founded in 2002, The State University of Zanzibar is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Zanzibar City (population range of 250,000-499,999 inhabitants), Mjini Magharibi. This institution has also branch campuses in the following location(s): Beit el-Ras, Vuga, Tunguu. Officially accredited and/or recognized by the Tanzania Commission for Universities, The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) is a very small (uniRank enrollment range: 1,000-1,999 students) coeducational higher education institution. The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation degrees), bachelor degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 18 years old higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students' past academic record and grades. The admission rate range is 80-90% making this Tanzanian higher education organization a least selective institution. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment.


School of Education (SoE)

The history of the School of Education (SoE) is intricately intertwined with that of SUZA. Way back in 2001, the School of Education, a foundation school of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), previously a Department of Education, was part of the School of Education, Arts and Science (SEAS). After the restructuring of the University in October 2012, the Department of Education was upgraded and became the School of Education. SoE was designed to serve as an important unit of the University where the core functions of the university (teaching, learning, research, outreach programs and consultancy) would be best performed.

School of Health and Medical Sciences- CHS

The School of Health and Medical Science has now been expanded following merging with the College of Heath Science (CHS), Zanzibar which was established under Act No. 10 of 1998 of the House of Representatives as a semi autonomous organ. Traditionally, CHS is a continuation of Zanzibar Health Training School which was established in 1838. It was officially inaugurated in 1989 aiming at providing quality health services for improving life of people of Zanzibar.

The School of Health and Medical Sciences (SHMS) aims to establish the programs designed to produce the much needed health professionals for the internal and external uses. The overall objectives of the programs within the SHMS will be to produce quality and relevant health professionals, doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists,nad pharmacists who will be able to tackle the present and future health issues.

Also to provide human resources for health within and outside the region and identify , describe the most important health issues in the local and international context.

School of natural and social sciences -SNSS
The School of Natural and Social Sciences (SNSS) aims to produce professional Arts, Natural and Social Sciences graduates, Chemists and Environmentalists graduates. The School’s goal is to support students’ learning of the scientific approach to knowledge acquisition for the attainment of scientific based knowledge.

School of Kiswahili and Foreign Languages (SKFL)
The School of Kiswahili and Foreign Languages is among the schools established by the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) since October 2012, before its emergence as the outcome of massive restructuring process started in 2012, there was the Institute of Kiswa- hili and Foreign Languages which was established in 1979. The School is located at Nkrumah Campus.

The aim of the school is to produce highly educated and trained professional teachers, specialized in Languages with Education.

The School also provides opportunities for learning Kiswahili and some of the major foreign languages which include English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Portuguese and Chinese. In addition, the school also undertakes research in Kiswahili and provides facilities for both local and foreign students wishing to pursue short courses in Kiswahili.

The School has a pool of trained academic staff whose qualifications are from well-established and reputable universities from within Tanzania and abroad.

School of Continuing and Professional Education-SCOPE

The School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) is the newly established School in the State University of Zanzibar. It is the result of upgrading the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) established in 2004 following the University restructuring project started in 2012. Currently, SCOPE headquarters is located along the Vuga Road at Mnazi Mmoja within the Old Stone Town of Zanzibar.

SCOPE focuses on providing training for Endless Education and Expertise in various fields with a view to promoting talent for a society that is moving around at different levels. There is short training from one day to six months and a long term from one year and continuing at the level of certificate and diploma.

School of Business (SoB)
we are proud to introduce to you School of Business which was formally known as Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIFA).

Our School is Committed to develop students intellectually, professionally, and individually through rigorous programs that will distinguish our graduates as innovative thinkers, articulate communicators and business leaders.

Our Programs are of high quality, tailored to your career aspirations and fully registered and accredited by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE), and recognized by the Tanzania Commission for University (TCU) and National Board of Accoutants and Auditors (NBAA), Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TIPSF) and Higher Education Students Loan Board (HESLB).

Institute of Tourism - IoT

Institute of Tourism (IoT) is a post-secondary training academic and professional service provider in the development of the human resource capital in the field of tourism, hospitality, entrepreneurship and ICT industries.

“Our vision is to become a learning centre of excellence for human capital development in tourism, producing well qualified graduates with enquiry mind and entrepreneurial attributes able to cope with the ever growing demands in the industry”

IoT’s mission is to equip the learners with relevant and adequate competence-based education and training in tourism, hospitality and ICT industries in order to empower them to support their own livelihood as well as boosting national economy.

More information visit www.suza.ac.tz

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